This week has gotten away from me a bit, so we have lots of fun and frolics to catch up on!! Here we go
Ella loves swimming now, quite often I will turn around and she is just off having a little paddle out to some rocks just like this!
The Dell is just SO green now, its like botanical garden meets rain forest
Look at the size of the leaves!!
Cocoa hanging out in the lilly-pads
I LOVE being in the woods….happy happy happy happy happy…
‘Mum take a picture, this is my good side!’
Two of my most favourite faces!
Maisie and Kobi in the bluebells.
Running free on Corstorphine Hill. Kobi did so well with his recall and had so obviously bonded to the pack that he was ready to be let off leash on his second day. He did brilliantly. I can’t wait for this wee man to meet Winston, I feel a bromance coming on!!
Stopping for a drink…
A happy Maise face
Not my best shot composition wise but look…a flying Ella!!
Throw it, throw it, throw it, throw it….pleeeeaase!!
Maud-monster on the loose!
A big hint, rub my belly!!
Look at all those pearly whites coming through. Maud is growing fast…